Giving Back to our Community

Every cat deserves a loving home! We support the American Curl Rescue Project (ACRP) since Alix is an American Curl, and we believe all “curls” deserve a loving home. We donate a portion of our NFT profits to ACRP and other organizations around the world. News: To help support the ACRP and other organizations, we are launching our line of Cat NFTs and a portion of all net profits from their sale will go directly to the ACRP and other cat charities.

We sell a number of items made by fund raising animal rescue groups, and in the near future, each such item will be identified, so you will know your purchase is supporting rescue.
We also wish to help some of the many no-kill shelters in our country. **Please note, since we only sell within the 50 US states, we also only make donations within the US.** If your non-profit, no-kill shelter needs items for a fund raising raffle, please contact us with your request at While we can not accomodate every request, we participate as often as possible.

If you would like to help support a very special shelter, consider making a tax deductible donation to, or sponsoring a Special Needs kitty at — Tabby’s Place: a Cat Sanctuary in New Jersey. This cageless, no-kill sanctuary has impressed me both in design, and in its mission. Alix and I are delighted to support Tabby’s Place in various ways including providing toys, and monthly sponsoring of a Special Needs Kitty. We hope that you will support them as well.

Thank you for your support!

– The Team