Giving Back to our Community
Every cat deserves a loving home! We support the American Curl Rescue Project (ACRP) since Alix is an American Curl, and we believe all “curls” deserve a loving home. We donate a portion of our NFT profits to ACRP and other organizations around the world. News: To help support the ACRP and other organizations, we are launching our line of Cat NFTs and a portion of all net profits from their sale will go directly to the ACRP and other cat charities.
If you would like to help support a very special shelter, consider making a tax deductible donation to, or sponsoring a Special Needs kitty at — Tabby’s Place: a Cat Sanctuary in New Jersey. This cageless, no-kill sanctuary has impressed me both in design, and in its mission. Alix and I are delighted to support Tabby’s Place in various ways including providing toys, and monthly sponsoring of a Special Needs Kitty. We hope that you will support them as well.
Thank you for your support!
– The Team