We are a bit late, but, we need to talk about August, 8!
Do you know what is so special about this date?
It\’s International Cat Day! I mean, right?
Cats are so awesome that they have their own special day!
You must have noticed… cat owners (or the humans owned by cats), are fascinated about all that envolves those marvelous creatures!
So, thinking about that, we decided to show you some Facts about Cats!
1) Did you know that cats are the most popular pet of choice in American households today? Approximately 94 million cats in the United States are the proud owners of humans!!
2) 1. Unlike humans, cats cannot detect sweetnessÛÒwhich likely explains why they are not drawn to it at all.
3) Ginger tabby cats can have freckles around their mouths and on their eyelids!
4) A cat has the power to sometimes heal themselves by purring. A domestic catÛªs purr has a frequency of between 25 and 150 Hertz, which happens to be the frequency at which muscles and bones best grow and repair themselves.
That\’s why you should pay attention if your cat is sad, or sleeping a lot and purring, they can be sick!
5) Cats only use their meows to talk to humans, not each other. The only time they meow to communicate with other felines is when they are kittens to signal to their mother.
6) The longest living cat on record according to the Guinness Book belongs to the late Creme Puff of Austin, Texas who lived to the ripe old age of 38 years and 3 days!
7) The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) recognizes 44 breeds of cats.
8) A catÛªs cerebral cortex contains about twice as many neurons as that of dogs.
Cats have 300 million neurons, and dogs have about 160 million.
I mean, I don\’t want to take sides… but I think we all know which one is better.
9) Polydactyl cats (a cat with 1-2 extra toes on their paws) have this as a result of a genetic mutation. These cats are also referred to as ÛÏHemingway catsÛ because writer Ernest Hemingway reportedly owned dozens of them at his home in Key West, Florida.
10) Sir Isaac Newton is credited with creating the concept for the pet door that many cats use today to travel outdoors.
11)The average cat can jump 8 feet in a single boundÛÒnearly six times its body length!
12) A catÛªs smell is their strongest sense, and they rely on this leading sense to identify people and objects; a felineÛªs sense of smell is 14x better than a humanÛªs.
13. Cats only sweat through their paws and nowhere else on their body.
You must be careful when the weather is hot, It\’s wise to drop a little bit of water on them.
14. A cat only can move their jaw up and down, not side to side as a human can.
15. A group of cats is called a clowder.
16. A female cat can be referred to as a molly or a queen, and a male cat is often labeled as a tom.
17. A cat can rotate their ears 180 degreesÛÒwith the help of 32 muscles that they use to control them.
18. 70% of your catÛªs life is spent asleep.
19. A catÛªs nose is as unique as a humanÛªs fingerprint.
20. Cats have 3 eyelids.
21. Your catÛªs heart beats at a rate almost double that of yours, from 110-140 beats per minute.
22. In Ancient Egypt, when a personÛªs house cat passed away, the owner would shave their eyebrows to reflect their grief.
23. Owning a cat is actually proven to be beneficial for your health.
24. Cats prefer to remain non-confrontational. They will not fight to show dominance, but rather to stake their territory. Cats will actually go to extremes to avoid one another to prevent a possible confrontation.
25. Unlike humans, cats are usually lefties. Studies indicate that their left paw is typically their dominant paw.
26. Cats spend around 30 to 50 percent of their day grooming themselves. This behavior serves several purposes: It helps cats tone down their scent so they can avoid predators, it cools them down, it promotes blood flow, and it distributes natural oils evenly around their coat, allowing them to stay warm and dry. Grooming also serves as a sign of affection between two cats, and itÛªs thought that saliva contains enzymes that serve as a natural antibiotic for wounds.
27. Scientists donÛªt quite know why cats purr, but one hypothesis is that the sound frequency of purringÛÓbetween 25 and 150 HertzÛÓ\”can improve bone density and promote healing,\” theorizes Leslie A. Lyons, an assistant professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California, Davis, in an article for Scientific American. \”Because cats have adapted to conserve energy via long periods of rest and sleep, it is possible that purring is a low energy mechanism that stimulates muscles and bones without a lot of energy.\”
28. Ever wonder why catnip lulls felines into a trance? The herb contains several chemical compounds, including one called nepetalactone, which a cat detects with receptors in its nose and mouth. The compounds trigger the typical odd behaviors you associate with the wacky kitty weed, including sniffing, head shaking, head rubbing, and rolling around on the ground.
29. More than half of the worldÛªs felines donÛªt respond to catnip. Scientists still donÛªt know quite why some kitties go crazy for the aromatic herb and others donÛªt, but they have figured out that catnip sensitivity is hereditary. If a kitten has one catnip-sensitive parent, thereÛªs a one-in-two chance that it will also grow up to crave the plant. And if both parents react to \’nip, the odds increase to at least three in four.
30. Chances are, your cat hates your musicÛÓbut they might like tunes written by composer David Teie, who partnered with animal scientists to make an album called Music for Cats. Released in 2015, the songs are ÛÏbased on feline vocal communication and environmental sounds that pique the interest of cats,Û TeieÛªs website states.
31. If you adore felines, youÛªre in good company: Many of historyÛªs most famous figuresÛÓincluding Florence Nightingale, Pope Paul II, Mark Twain, and the BrontÌÇ sistersÛÓall owned, and loved, cats.
32. Still, the title of historyÛªs craziest cat man might go to Abraham Lincoln. Mary Todd Lincoln was once asked if her husband had any hobbies. Her response? ÛÏCats!Û
33. Ever wondered why your cat likes to rhythmically massage you with its paws? Experts havenÛªt figured out why cats like to knead, but theyÛªve come up with several possible explanations, one being that your kitty is trying to mark their \”territory\” (thatÛªs you!) with the scent glands in their paws. And since kittens knead their mamaÛªs belly to stimulate milk production, thereÛªs also a chance that they carry this behavior into adulthoodÛÓa phenomenon known as a \”neotenic behavior.\”
34. Contrary to popular belief, cats donÛªt always land on their feet when they fall. But more often than not, all four paws end up touching the ground. Cats have a fantastic sense of balance, so theyÛªre able to tell ÛÏupÛ from down and adjust their bodies accordingly. If they sense theyÛªre plummeting downwards, they twist their flexible backbones mid-air, allowing them to right themselves so they donÛªt fall splat on their backs. Additionally, cats can spread their legs out to ÛÏparachuteÛ through the air, plus theyÛªre also small, light-boned, and covered in thick furÛÓmeaning their fall isnÛªt going to be as hard as, say, a dogÛªs.
35. On October 18, 1963, French scientists used a rocket to launch the first cat into space. The felineÛªs name was FÌ©licette, and she made it safely to the ground following a parachute descent.
I bet you didn\’t know this about your puurfect friend, right?
Stay tuned to the next Facts about Cats!